Im not really sure what to write about. Ive havent done any agility all week. Just busy doing other things. Friday was my last day at work, which I took off to go to Stephanie's graduation. So I had to go in this morning to grind up medications that werent pick up at the end of school. We grind them in a coffee grinder and then mix them in powder landry detergent. Then triple bag them and threw them away. I went in and did that this morning,so now Im finally done. WhooHoo!!
My dogs arent feeling to good. Im not sure what is going on. Last week Guiness had a bout of diarrhea, the vomited for 4 days. Not constantly. Just like twice a day. So on the 4th day, I took him to the vet. He has lost a pound which is weird. He eats a lot and doesnt do that much activity. So they gave me Reglan and some ID food. He seemed better until today. I walked him at the park and he had terrible diarrhea. And now Miley isnt acting right. Yesterday, she let me sleep until 9am. OMG, unheard of. She didnt ask to do anything either. I did walk her last night and she seemed ok. But this morning I walked her and she didnt want to go. Walked behind me the whole time. The when I took her down to the river, she wouldnt take any treats. Yesterday she did eat a tiny piece of a mink stole that was my grandmothers. I didnt even see her get it , until my husband told me. She had the foot and must have swallowed some of it but I got the toes and nails back. I asked the Vets office and they thought it was ok. She isnt letheragic or anything. She is going to the bathroom. But my neighbor's dog died on Saturday. First story was they didnt know what happened. Then I head that they had left him in the car after delivering flyer's to peoples mailboxes. He must have had a heat stroke. Now my other neighbor's cat was acting ill this morning. They took it to the vet and had to put it down. Im going to have to find out what that was about. I hope people arent killing animals in the neighborhood.
I guess the Marina's sign makes a good place for a birds nest.
I dont think Miley was to happy about this.
Extended holiday spirit
2 days ago
OMG, I hope no one is killing animals in your neighborhood. That is a scary thought. I hope everyone gets better soon! My thoughts and prayers are with you all for a speedy recovery.
I hope all your dogs are feeling better soon. Fingers crossed that its just a nasty virus.
Hope everyone is ok!
That's an amazing picture of the nesting bird!
have you had them tested for giardia. They are like me and like the water a lot so some of the signs and symptoms are like those mentioned.
I am so sorry your neighbors animals are sick and dying to.
Please keep us posted on how you guys are feeling. We are very worried.
I have been reading on other blogs about dogs having the same symptoms - it seems to be some tummy virus that is all over the States
Gosh sorry to hear Guiness and Miley are both not feeling well. I would hate to think someone is poisoning animals in the neighborhood. Hopefully they just caught a virus. It is scary though.
The osprey photo is so cool! There are a lot of man made platforms around here specifically built for them to use but it is neat to see a bird pick a spot on their own.
Hope the furkids have kicked the bug and are feeling fine. Congrats on your daughter's graduation, looks like a wonderful celebration.
seems like there is a virus that is running rampant, I have heard of a lot of sick dogs. Hope they are okay. Your pictures are awesome, love the pic of the Osprey(?) nest.
Hope they are all well soon!
Oh dear, I hope all dogs are feeling much better. It seems the tummy virus is everywhere lately! Hopefully it will be over soon.
Oh I'm sure Miley was glad to be on the water with you! Love all the photos! Hope everyone is feeling better soon, especially since you're out of school now. Time ot PLAY!
Oh no! I hope they all start feeling better. Looks like you're having a blast at the lake though!
I hope the dogs are doing better. Poor things, it's never fun for anybody when they're sick.
Such a cool bird photo!
So sorry to hear about your dogs! I hope they feel better soon.
I am jealous that you have this beautiful lake!
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