Sorry it has taken me so long to get this posted but I was trying to edit video but my software isnt working. Ive tried a patch and uninstalling and reinstalling. Nothing worked. So I will just post them as is.
Saturday started with Adv/PII Gamblers.
I had a course planned to end with the tunnel at #12 before starting the gamble. I had timed it twice and that was at 35 seconds, 5 seconds more for when the buzzer should sound for you to start the gamble. Well , we were faster than that so I had to add #13-#15 to eat some time to wait for the buzzer.
Anyway, when we stepped to the start line, I got nervous. My hands were shaking and my heart was racing. Ugh! I hate when that happens. And I just couldnt shake it. Once I started running , I was fine but I think I freaked my dog out. It felt like she ran to dogwalk really slow but picked up speed the second time. Then she started dropping bars. And of course when that happened it felt like she had dropped all the bars. It didnt help that someone said to me, "What wrong with your dog, she dropped a lot of bars". Ugh. I was freaked out for a while.
Im glad I video tapped it so I could see she didnt drop every bars like I thought she had in my mind. LOL So I figured I do one more run and if she drops another bar, Id pull her and call it a weekend. She didnt drop anymore bars all weekend.
Oh yea, She"'Q"ed and took 1st place.
Next up was starters standard. Lets just say she wouldnt get on the table. I think she thought about it but just couldnt do it. So we moved on, she missed the teeter because I was behind and didnt cue it.
Pairs was next. We had a great run. Someone has it on their video camera and I cant remember who to be able to ask for it. But we Qed and took 2nd place. We didnt have any errors so it must have been time that we got second. We ran the 2nd half with the squared numbers.
Miley was way wide over that jump before the weaves. I couldnt believe she pulled in enough to make her entry but she did it. WhooHoo. Half a course works great for us. LOL
Last up was Steeplechase/perf speed jumping.
I had planned to RC at #10 the tunnel. I was worried if I front crossed there she would take the a-frame. Well when I RC that tunnel , it pushed her off of it. Then she went into stress mode. She ran as fast as she could , 2 big circles around the ring. I called her to my side and low an behold she came into me. To top it off she didnt take any equipment during her stress circling so we didnt get an 'E". When she came to me, I cued the tunnel and we finished the 2nd half of the course beautifully. We qualified!! WhooHoo. We would get to run the second day for money. Several people came up to me and told me how awesome that run was. How cool it was that my dog didnt take any jumps during her run around the ring. LOL , It didnt feel cool when her mind is exploding into stress but she got it back together. Sorry, I dont have video of that run.
Sunday started with starts snooker. Needless to say we didnt "Q" that run. We did make it thur the opening but I wasnt at the place I thought I would be and couldnt get her to the #2 closing without going off course. I dont know if you can tell what I wrote on the course map. I had planned to be at the #6 tunnel but she took the #6 jump. We were still ok because the 6 jumps were bidirectional. But you can see it would be hard to get to the number 2 tunnel. O'well, at least we made it thur the opening.
Oyea, she also pushed her startline. I forgot all about my "no stay, no play" rule. Ugh! So I released her which is why I was behind and she took those #6 jumps instead of the tunnel.
Next up was Grand Prix.
We were so close on that one. I pushed her off the second to last jump when I rear crossed. Ugh! I will be practicing rear crosses in the future. It was still a great run! And she didnt get stressed when I pushed her off the jump.
Next was Steeplechase/Speedjumping day 2.
Great run. If we hadnt screwed around at the weaves we would have taken 1st place. We were less then one second behind the 1st place person. Who cares! We won 19.00. LOL We had such a great weekend. To bad about the stupid jumpers run I posted Sunday. Ugh!
Extended holiday spirit
2 days ago
Looks like USDAA is good for you and Miley!
wow - great runs. On your second steeplechase run, I really liked the way you sent her into that second tunnel. You gave her a good cue to go into the correct side of the tunnel and were able to send her out quite a distance. Pretty cool stuff! She sure is fast, isn't she?
Nice runs! That GP run was GORGEOUS!
Watching these made me a little nostalgic... this trial two years ago was Spy's first trial, and my/Marron's first USDAA trial ever. (Come to think of it, I got really sick the day after that trial too, must be the right weekend for me to get sick, no matter what part of the country I'm in!)
Wow, that last run was incredible Diana! Did you hear the people cheering? And your gamblers run? Awesome! Who cares about the dropped bars, Miley was really staying connected to you during that run.
Love how you just went on when Miley refused the table.
Great job. You did A LOT of runs this weekend, glad you won $19 bucks back.
Wow, those are some really nice runs! All your hard work is paying off. Miley's a sassy wee thing isn't she? I love to see her run.
really nice runs, I esp love the Grand Prix and the steeplechase, they just looked so smooth and the weave entries were so nice almost all weekend, and Miley looked like she was really reading your cues, Miley is such a little speed demon she is so much fun to watch, you guys looked GREAT! GOOD JOB!!!
Wow. I showed that last run to my husband. "She sure is FAST!" he said! How true! She is amazing! So glad you had a good weekend!
Wow! Fantastic runs! You guys had an amazing weekend! What a joy it is to see Miley running and doing so well! The STD run was so good and you're right - it looks like she thought about doing the table and just couldn't stop (the tunnel was calling her!). That second steeplechase run was so awesome - loved that huge send to the orange tunnel and those weaves were blazingly fast!! Congratulations!
Very adorable and skill full pet she is awesome :-)
Miley is such the mini speedster =) I'm not an agility gal, but I had so much fun watching these videos. Nice work and congrats on a great trial!
I am so thrilled for you guys! Congratulations on a great weekend and thanks for sharing the videos. You runs were awesome!
Gorgeous runs! Congratulations on Steeplechase - that's so cool that you won money and were just 1 second out of 1st. You guys are great!
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