The other morning I was taking a bath. My sons swim team bag was sitting on the floor. It appeared empty. Guiness comes in and sticks his head in the bag. When his head comes out he has a five dollar bill in his mouth. He turns to leave and I tell him to drop it. He does. Well at this point Miley's ears must have perked up. I guess she figured Guiness must have something really good. She come running into the bathroom, picks up the five dollar bill and takes off running. Miley is a shredder. Laundry sheets that have fallen to the floor are great fun. She also like poop bags she gets out of my pants pockets and toilet paper rolls. So I know the five dollar bill is history if I don't act fast. Of course I told her to drop it, but no dice. I jump out of the tub and into the bedroom. Already part of the five dollars is sitting on the floor. I get to the kitchen and tell Miley to drop it again. This time she did. The five dollars survived. I only had to tape that one side back on. Silly dog.
Guiness's face is almost healed. No sure what that spot was but the hair is coming back. I signed Guiness and I up for a freestyle class. It starts next Monday. I thought I would try it with him. If its to hard on his back legs, I change and bring Miley.
Extended holiday spirit
2 days ago
What beautiful dogs! (I may be slightly biased towards the Shelties! haha)
Have fun in your freestyle class. That is something that I have always wanted to try. I have a couple of friends that use to do it, and I have been applying the good ol' peer pressure to try and get them to teach a class. haha
I have left an award for you over at my blog
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