The weather isn't horrible here but not great either. Where or where is the sun? Im one of those people that really needs sunshine. Today is another cloudy, overcast day. Yuck! My fibromyalgia has been really bad. Im at a lost of what to do next. Im sick of all these medications. Nothing is helping and they just make me tired , irritable and give me sleep problems. We just keep adding medications and they help for a little while and then they stop again. Ugh!!
Anyway, I was able to walk my dogs yesterday.
Sure would have been nice to have some sun in this shot. I was trying to get a picture of him flying away. Of course I haven't seen anyone for the first hour I was there. But now two bikes come by and Java and Guiness loose their minds. I have their leashed wrapped around my arms and trying to take shots of this bird. I don't know how any of these shots came out. My arms jerking all over the place.
I had to crop all the shots because the bird was all the way to the right from my arm jerking. LOL
I really broke Java's dogwalk now. I bought a "hit-it " board and had it made to 12 inches by 36inches, the size of the USDAA dogwalk contact size. She will run on it when its on the ground or if she isn't running the whole dogwalk but have her run the whole dogwalk and she takes a freaking giant leap. Ugh!!!
It wouldn't be so upsetting if I hadn't spent money on it. Crap!!
Then when I removed the "hit it" board, she was now adding an extra stride on the down ramp. So you probably think good, she it hitting the contact. But I don't think it will hold up. That it will fade into two hits again but jumping the contact. Ack!!
So I hope we are back to this again. I will slowly work on me being more and more behind when she runs. Just hard to see the contact when doing that. (which is why I wanted the hit-it board.)
Extended holiday spirit
2 days ago
Sorry that you are really suffering from the fibromyalgia. That must be so frustrating to always be in pain.
Bummer about the hit it board. I know Chewy would've jumped over it too!
It's a good thing you don't live up here - very little sunshine in the winter plus the cold.
Sorry that you are in pain so often - I would not be able to handle that - hope you get a break soon!
Sorry that you're in pain, hope it will go off as soon as possible.
Wishing you and your family a brilliant, happy and healthy 2014!
Happy New Year! Wishing you all a successful and healthy year ahead.
I am sorry you are suffering from fibromyalgia, hopefully 2013 is over and so do your fibromyalgia.
Our weather is worst too, tons of rain and gales force wind. Can't even get out to walk the dogs easily let alone training them :(
I've tried the "hit it" board with Sing when I retrain his 2o/2o to running with 100% success but I failed with Sizzle. He did exactly the same like Java. Since then, I have never use the "hit it" board anymore. Good Luck with Java. I think to have a good running DW, you have to be persistent what you train.
I hope 2014 is the year they figure out the right meds for you...and I hope it's earlier rather than later!
I'm sure you can fix Java's problem eventually. Agility seems sort of stressful! I know Katie gets scared of a lot of the stuff...but we're only doing bits of it for fun, so it doesn't stress me out.
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