Tuesday, April 9, 2013

GCOC trial , Friday

We had our clubs trial this weekend.  I think I have to cut back  on what I enter my dogs in, its just to much for me to run two dogs and do all the other stuff too. 
First up was FAST.   I cant remember who I ran first, Java or Miley. Both runs were pretty close together. I dont have any video because it was very cold in the morning and my husband couldnt get the ipad video to turn on when pressing the button.  (Last week we were freezing and now we are sweating, Ugh!)

I cant remember what we did but Java Qed with 67 points.

Miley didnt get the bonus , she missed number 2. But she had awesome contacts.

Open JWW, the judge made the course easy to help up  the  Q rate , since everyone is always stuck in open so long. I guess it worked because we did Q.  After number 6 Java was sure she was suppose to go to the tunnel. It never even crossed my mind that the tunnel would be in play there. LOL  I called her off and she turned and landed on her shoulder. I felt bad about that.

Miley's jww run. I slipped front crossing after 4 and I think this caused Miley to drop the bar , since it happened at the same time. Ugh! (it happens in a split second so its hard to see)  Then she missed the weave pole entry. I think I didnt show any deceleration so she didnt load in. She wanted to stress but I got her head and into the poles.  Also to get the correct tunnel entrance for #17 I layered 18 to get the pull into the tunnel. Im probably the only person who had to do that. (I had to do it with Java too) I didnt walk it that way but when running I felt like I needed it.

Novice standard.
I dont have video but this was a great run. Until I said " Yay, good girl" just before she took the last jump and caused her to drop the last bar. LOL. Java got all her dogwalk contacts all weekend.  Yay, Java!!
Master Standard.
Again no video.  Great run but she again missed the weave pole entry.  But she came right back and got it. Beautiful contacts!! And she got right on the table!!
I ran the b-match that we put on at the end of the day.  I ran Miley in the second run thrus.  We practice weave pole entry's and she finally started getting them.


Sara said...

Sounds like it was a very successful day for you guys! Both dogs run like they're superheroes :)

Dawn said...

The dogs had fun I'm sure...lots of work for you though!