Sorry I havent been posting much. Since work started its been crazy. Ans its been raining so much I havent been working the dogs. Java is still recovering from her spay, sorta .
I took Java and Miley to my class on Tuesday. It was the last session for that class. I got there early to work on things with Miley and Java. We were the only ones in the building. We had been there about one hour, when someone came in. They stood in the doorway of the room I was in and were just watching. All of a sudden Java just started growling at her. Ugh. I had no idea why she did this. She has been going to this building since she was a puppy. So I had to give the lady treats and she gave them to Java. Then Java was fine. But then someone else came in and she did the same thing. Ack!! Again, the treats. And she was fine. After that, lots of people started coming, the class people and dogs came in, she was fine with all that. But then class ended. Everyone in class left. There were two people left in the building that wanted to work there dogs. One had a sheltie. I was putting some stuff away and had to go into the big back room and that sheltie was back there with its owner. Lying down near the door way but not that close. I had Java and Miley on leash. Java went crazy barking and growling. I never got her over it either. What the heck is wrong with her? The lady was very nice and said we could get together sometime to see if we could fix it. I know Ive been in the building with her and her dog before. I know Java didnt act like that. Very disturbing and upsetting to me.
Ive been working on running contacts with Miley. (Im tired of fighting her about the 2o/2o at trials. If she wants to run, lets run) It was going great until the splinter thing. Now she cant seem to hit the contact zone on the carpet at all. It could be she was just to excited after not working for a while. I have no idea. But Ive also been shaping the rear leg stuff that Syliva Trkman has you do when training running contacts. I was trying to get Miley to target the small disc with her back feet. If I put them in the open floor, she just couldnt figure out what I wanted. So then I put the next to a wall. She kept back up and touching them. So I thought she had it. But if I moved the disc away from the wall, she didnt know what I wanted her to do. She just would spin and act all crazy. So today I put them in the middle but the baby gate was behind them. It was leaning on the corner of a dresser. (I had never put the gate away after the puppy left). I thought it wasnt a wall and the gate is kinda open. Well I didnt teach her what I wanted. She had other ideas. Silly dog. I didnt teach this. I guess the gate , thats plastic, has these open holes that were just right for her feet to climb.
I think Im going to have to work all weekend to try and catch up on things. Im so stressed out at work. So many kids are already coming the the nurse. Today I saw 37 kids. Then I gave 20 medications on top of that. Most of kids that came didnt need to come to the nurse. So because of this I cant get all the paperwork stuff I have to do, done. I need to get these papers to the teacher and bus drivers that tell them what to do if something happens to a kid. Like if a kid has a seizure in class. I did already get all the plans for the diabetics to them. But there are lots of kids with serious health issues at school this year. I want to make sure I did what I was suppose to do. The teachers are aware of all the student's condition but I need to get that paperwork done. Im so stressed and worried about it. Then I have kids the just bring me there medication. Nothing else. A kid brought me an epi-pen. "Here, my mom wanted me to give this to you". What the heck. It didnt even have his name on it . And of course no paperwork. I need a doctors order to give this. So do I make the kid take it back home? He isnt suppose to have medication in his backpack. But Im not suppose to take it like that. What do I do? He is just a kid. So I took it and will now have to get all the rest fixed. But I need time to do it. See, stress. Sorry to complain. I just feel like crying. I wanted to spend the weekend doing dog things. But I guess not. It will all be better once I feel like I have things under control.
Extended holiday spirit
2 days ago
Sorry about your week :( I'll be thinking of you.
Aww...this does sound stressful. Your job is so important, but I think they all take advantage of you. Especially parents who don't take responsibility for their own kids. Hope you get to do SOME dog things this weekend!
The beginning of the school year is always stressful! Hope you get some normalcy (well, that's a relative term) soon.
Well, Miley has a good handstand coming along!
Hope your weekend turns out better after such a stressful week!
I just wanted to say thanks to you for your job. I just can't thank school nurses enough. My school nurse is great and I am sure you are too. You guys do so much for us kids and aren't appreciated nearly enough. Thank you.
Sounds incredibly stressful! Sorry - hope it all calms down soon.
Miley is doing a great handstand - even if that was not the point. :)
Sounds like a hard week but hey look at that Miley, she's amazing!
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