Life has been stressful lately. Mileys foot has been driving me crazy. She just wont leave it alone when its wrapped. Once the wrap it off, she doesnt care about her foot. But today I felt like it was still more swollen then is should be. I called the vet and she called in Abx for her foot. I think Miley is on it to much but its hard to keep your dog off their foot. I rewrapped it tonight and she has already torn off the boot and the pad. I rewrapped it again. I made it thicker to hopefully kept the boot on tighter so she cant get to the dressing. Ugh!!
Then yesterday the puppy ate a mushroom in the backyard. I didnt even know there were mushrooms back there. We havent had any rain until Thursday and of course its been pouring since. I saw her get something and you know if you try to get something from you dog, they just swallow it faster. So I only got about 1/2 the mushroom out of her mouth. That was at 6am. My husband watched her all day and texted me several times saying she was fine. When I got home I took everyone outside. I saw more mushroom by the dogwalk and pulled them all out. The puppy came over but I dont think there was anything there. About 5 minutes later she started vomiting. Within 30 minutes she has vomited yellow bile 10 times. I called the vet and they said bring her in. She vomited 2 more times while I was on the phone and then again in the car. OMG, what if me dog has parvo? She is the same age as Miley when Miley got parvo. Maybe its in my yard. I get to the vet. I told them about the mushroom. They did blood work and it was all normal. Thank goodness. So they gave her something for the vomiting and they gave her SQ fluids. I really didnt think she needed the fluids be the vet felt it was safer to do fluids in puppies that have been vomiting. He didnt charge me for them. It might have been because I told him about Miley have the glass in her foot and having surgery. He did apologized for missing Mileys foot problem. So that was nice. I understand people make mistakes.
So after all those fluids they gave the puppy, she was up at 2:30am having to pee. I took her out every hour and then every 1/2 hour. She was having accidents in the house even with me taking her out every 1/2 hour. What the heck?? She hasnt had an accident at all in the house until this. At least she was peeing on throw rugs. But every time I turned around I had to wash another rug. I finally crated her for a couple of hours and now everything is back to normal. Thank goodness. What a lot of work.
Extended holiday spirit
2 days ago
The first couple of photos, she's saying "I'm sorry Mom, I didn't mean to eat the mushroom and throw up and pee all over. Really I didn't!"
I would've been scared to death with a puppy vomiting so much! Thank goodness she is ok. Wish Miley's pad would just go on and heal so she could get back to her normal life!
Oh can't get a day of rest, can you? I hope the puppy is feeling better. Since the hurricane we've had a ton of mushrooms in our yard. They're gigantic! Like the size of dinner plates.
I hope you have some relaxing days ahead with the puppy feeling better and Miley's paw healing quickly.
Goodness gracious, I was stressed out for you just reading that. Hopefully everything is slowing down for you and your girls get better quickly!
Stressful is right! I hope everything goes better this week. I have tons of mushrooms (and mosquitos) in my yard due to all the flooding we've had. I'm constantly yanking them up.
Oh, Hello puppy! Java? She's adorable! Poor thing, hopefully she'll learn to avoid the mushrooms now. I hope Miley's foot heals, poor little mite having glass in. Your puppy will be the same height as Ludo if she grows how you think. Ludo tends to bark at lone people rather than groups. Like the individuals shouldn't be there.
OH MY GOSH, what a day! Glad everyone sounds like they are on the mend but what a lot of work!!! Those mushrooms are scary things!
Having dogs certainly keeps you on your toes....I sm glad she is doing better though
So sorry to hear Java was sick. That isn't any fun. Sounds like you have your hands full. Hope everyone gets better soon!
Oh jeez! Java sounds like she's going to be a handful! I can't even imagine going through that--with Miley's foot still being odd, too.
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