We have not had a sunny day in over a week. Everyday its been raining and you dont know when its going to happen. One minute everything seems fine , than its storming. Ugh! I hope it stops soon because I really need some sunshine. Our agility trial starts on Friday. And do you know what I did? I scheduled my schools screening day on Friday. Ugh!! Its the day that the nurses come into the school and screen all the kids for vision and hearing. Well, lucky at my school we dont screen all the kids. Only new kids in the district and parent or teacher request. But what the heck was I thinking. I call my boss several weeks ago and told her what I did. She felt it was best to leave it the way it is. I feel terrible about it. So after Im done helping set up the trial, I have to go back to my school and set up the library for screening day. I hope everything goes ok.
Poor Miley isnt allowed to do anything. I do let her go in the yard. Her foot looks much better. That area is kinda hard on her pad. Maybe scar tissue? But it looks so much better after being on the antibiotics. Im not sure she will run at the trial. It depends on what her pad looks like. Maybe only run once a day if it looks ok or not at all. Will see. Poor dog is losing her mind. Every time I take the puppy out to pee, Miley comes. First she gets on the dogwalk contact, then she runs to the bottom of the teeter, then the tunnel. She keeps hoping I will run her. Silly dog. ( all the equipment had big orange traffic cones blocking being able to run across them).
Miley went through the tunnel and Java ran across the top of the tunnel and then met her at the end. It was to funny. And she didnt even fall off.
I took the puppy to the river. (two other times I went, a thunder storm came or it just poured down rain).
Im to tired to write anymore.
Extended holiday spirit
2 days ago
We have had lots of gray skies too and it poured all day today (until about 3:30). I want some sun too!
Good luck with your trial this weekend! I hope Miley can run.
Java is just amazingly cute!
It must be raining everywhere. I am convinced that it has rained every day in the past two weeks. The ground is just soaked.
(Are you referring to the LCDA trial, or a different one?)
Ashley, I'm the trial chair for our club here in Columbia. It's an AKC trial.
We've been underwater since hurricane Irene. It's really sad, because all the people whose houses were destroyed really need a sunny stretch so they can go in and start to rebuild their lives.
Poor Miley. She must be so confused :(
Aww poor Miley! Poor you! I hope you get sunshine today and I hope she gets to run soon! Very cute picture of the pupster on top of the tunnel! Miley will have to show Java how tunnels are supposed to work!
We've had a lot of rain like that too. This weather has been a bummer. Cute pics of Java at the beach. She is such a cutie!
Glad Miley's paw is getting better!
She's so cute! and I see you're already getting her used to the water.
Poor Miley!
Java is SUPER gorgeous though!
Java seems like a really happy girl, I hope the foot will be better and Miley can be back to being a happy girl soon, poor babies when they can not do what they love and they just dont understand why not ;-(. That is funny Cricket always loved to jump over the tunnel or walk along them on top, Lizzie loved the top of tunnels too, Java has great balance ;-).
Keep the puppy pictures coming! What a beautiful girl. Did she come from the same breeder that bred Miley?
Morganne, no she came from a different breeder.
WooHoo! At last you have a sheltie that really likes water!
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