I decided to try the last set up from yesterday, this morning before everything started. She nailed it. Well I guess we both did.
Today we woke up to a beautiful day
To bad my back didnt think so. I know, I complain a lot. My back was hurting when I woke up and it was down hill from there. At the lunch break I had a chiropractic adjustment. It didnt help. By 3 pm, I just wanted to go back to the motel and take some pain killers. I couldnt stand or sit. Nothing I did helped. I couldnt concentrate on anything but being in pain. I passed the chiropractor and she asked me how I was doing and I told her I was miserable. She told me to try this magnetic pad. She let me borrow it because it cost 95.00. At this point I would have sold my soul to the devil if it would help my back. LOL
Anyway , about 30 minutes or so later I was feeling better. Now dont get me wrong, I was still having pain but I could stand without pain. And it was no longer consuming all my thoughts. Wow. Sorry Lou, I might have to buy this thing.
Camp: Today my group was with Ann Braue. Wow , is she knowledgeable. She told us she trains four things. 1. Relationship 2. Skills, 3. handling 4. mental aspect. One of the things she talked about is "relationship". If your dog would rather sniff, go visiting, steal treats out of someones bag ect... then you need to work on your relationship. This doesnt make your dog bad or you a bad dog trainer. Then she talked about what she does to work on the relationship. This can also work on dogs stressing in the ring. Im not going to talk about everything she said, sorry. I dont want to get in trouble. If you want you can email me and Ill tell you what she said. Yesterday we work on lateral motion. Today was "run where you want your dog to go", lol, your line of motion. Miley did excellent. Much better than yesterday. We have some things to work on like rear crosses. And how to get a tighter trun or wider turn. Miley had great weave poles today and a-frame contacts. WhooHoo!!
My ankle? It doesnt hurt at all. LOL because the back pain is taking priority.
Extended holiday spirit
2 days ago
That exercise you ran from yesterday was just so beautiful! Wow.
Sorry your back is killing you. Good for that chiro lending you the magnetic pad. Glad it helped a little. I sure hope tomorrow you feel better - no ankle or back pain!
I would love to hear everything Ann said if you want to email me some time.
Congrats on doing so well today and good luck tomorrow too!!
Fascinating that the pad helped....cool stuff.
Hope you're feeling better today
One of my friends thinks she has a relationshop issue with her dog. This dog is the youngest of her five so has never got much individual attention. She has a lot of potential but is stressed and unfocused in the ring. Maybe they should go to one of Ann's seminars!
Great job in the video, really looked nice! Would love to hear more about what Ann had to say about dogs stressing and the relationship. What's the best way to contact you back channel?
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