You wouldnt believe what I had to go thur to get this picture loaded. I seem to be having problems loading from my computer. Blogger keeps saying "security error". Ive tried to google that but nothing that offers me any hlep came up. So I had to reload my picturs thur Photoshop and save them and then load them to blogger. Ugh. Irritating.
I took today off. I was going to drive Stephanie to Atlanta for an portfolio review with PRATT University. But Ive just been so tired so my nice husband took her. I stayed home. I wanted to do all this stuff but just didnt have the energy. I did manage to take Miley to the field for a short training session. We had issues which is to be expected. Leaving the teeter early. I put her through the weaves a few time, she popped out early. She dropped a couple of bars because she took off to early. She just gets so excited and I know she thinks she will get there fast her she leaves earlier. Silly dog. Then the table. Ugh! She is ok with the table when its at the beginning of the set up. Then I ran her couple times with no table. Then I ended with the table and the problems showed up. She would go off course to avoid the table. She would get close then turn off. I then got the clicker out and worked just going to to the table. I did manage to get her running back to the table. I think that just putting the table at the beginning of the runs doesnt really work on solving the problem. I think I need to put it in the middle of the runs so that it becomes as common placed as a jump. It was weird when working with her. She was fine with the table and then all of a sudden, she wasnt. I have no idea why. I keep playing it over and over again in my head. Nothing seemed different. I wish I had been video taping.
Someone said to me , "I bet you've cried a lot over Miley's table". Funny, no I havent. What does crying do? Have I obsessed about it? Sure. I have I been frustrated ? yep! Will it ever get fixed? I dont know but Im going to try to keep working on it. Unless Miley becomes unhappy , then we my never do AKC again. LOL
Extended holiday spirit
2 days ago
That is a really cool photo! I love how Guiness and Miley are standing and looking to the side like that! I wonder why you keep getting that security error message? I wish I knew so I could help you.
Silly Miley and that dumb table! I give you tons of credit for not giving up! I still think she can learn to do it. You will be able to do AKC again!
I'm sure you've tried something like this, but what about making agility the reward for doing the table? Scatter a few tables around an agility course and do small sequences with her only AFTER the completion of the table.
I wish you taped it, too, maybe someone could have saw something weird. Does it have anything to do with what side she's running on? What obstacles came before it? Just brainstorming.
I think you've got a great attitude about Miley's table issue- I'm sure with time that things will work themselves out, even if it's slowly :) Your dogs look so fluffy and happy in that picture- I envy your flowers, ours are so long gone!
I'm with Laura, envying your flowers. EVeryting is shades of grey around here.
If anyone can figure out Miley's table issues it is you!
Oh! The pansy's of winter in the South! I love when they put in the pansy plantings. That was one of my Mom's favorite things about living in the south, the beautiful beds of pansy flowers...
Love the dogs too by the way! :)
At least you know and always will know that you're doing everything you possibly can to fix the table issue. It's a lot better than wondering years from now how it could've been different if you'd done _____.
Love the Picture! We have been having a lot of trouble with blogger also.
FANTASTIC picture, glad you got to stay home and get a little rest. I keep telling myself hey if everything got fixed then what would we have to work on and where would the challenge be? LOL, might be fun to find that out for a few days, but.....hahahahaha.
The persistence will pay off. Keep up the positive attitude!
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