No matter how many times I try to fix the videos blogger keeps changing it back. So weird. I checked all the videos before posting them and they were right. After reading Ashely's comment, I went on my ipad and all the videos were the same run of Miley. WTH??? Then I went to my computer and tried three times to put the correct video first and it would post it, the change it to Java's video. Ugh. I cant seem to fix it now. So how ever they are posted they are posted. You can always go to youtube and watch them if you are really interested. LOL My youtube name is "doglimp". Sorry, Ill try again later.
Im just going to add Miley first standard run here. This is saturday , Miley first run of the day, Excellent standard A.
Extended holiday spirit
2 days ago
On this post, it just keeps playing all your videos on youtube, one after the other. I've never seen that happen before.
BLogger just must not know what to do with all these exciting videos!
awesome runs!!
I have had so many problems with blogger and video, that I normally just post the link to YouTube on my blog post.
Boy whatever you've done here, there's a lot more than one run. Maybe you linked to your Youtube channel and it's running through all your videos.
Any way the first run was fantastic!!!
.,that was an awesome run boy.... keep it up.
Great Day,
Agreed with Sara, the video keeps playing one after another :) BUT Miley was awesome!
I don't even mind that there's more than one. It's so much fun to watch Miley! And look at those contacts! And the TABLE! WOO HOO!!!
OMG GIRL!!!!!!!!!!! LOVELY LOVELY LOVELY!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!
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