Yesterday I had this great idea. I had bought some tall rubber boots. I would walk through the river and take the dogs out on the rocks. Then using my tripod, I would great a group of of me and the dogs. LOL this is what I got.
Yea, not a great idea. LOL The rubber boots worked well until the end. The last time I crossed the river I must have walked a little bit deeper and the water went over the top and into my boots. But I was done and I had dry shoes on the shore. I carried all the dogs back and forth across the river so they wouldnt get wet. But Java decieded she was going in anyways, after I carried her across.
Java thinks she is a border collie. Its a lot of work to get her to put her head up.
They must have recently let the dam out. All that green stuff is caught on everything. Its pretty the first couple of days. Then it just dies and is ugly.
Java likes to hide in the stuff.
There's that border collie again.
This is on the island thats in the river. Mostly I take pictures out on the rocks. I dont like the inside of the island. It reminds me of snakes. Then on the path, in the middle of the island, there was a dead snake and bird. Together. I recognized the snake because of the spine but the bird skull took me a while to figure out. Then Jave picked up the snake in her mouth. Ugh, I thought I would throw up. I hate snakes, dead or alive.
Im sure I looked like a homeless person walking out of the park. Boots over my shoulder, pants wet from the knees down, and my jacket dirty from holding the dogs while crossing the river. But for a short time, out on the rocks, the sun was out. And life was perfect.
Extended holiday spirit
2 days ago
Love your boots! I need to get some.
Self timer photos are great in theory, but dogs don't seem to get the concep, LOL.
Glad you had a good day.
At least the self timer photo was a good try. I've never used this function at all, may be I should give it a try.
Those pictures of the dogs are really gorgeous. Jave looks great in the water. She loves water!
I don't have those boots, got no where for me to put them on here. :)
Those boots are awesome! You look great in the group shot - too bad the dogs messed it up. LOL! You got lots of cool photos any way. Glad you had a good day out!
This must have been so much fun! Minus the overflow into the boots the last trip which was probably cold. You have wonderful shots! Love them all especially the one with Java looking out from the weeds. That is stunning! This last one, Miley seems to be leaning away from if to say "Sometimes her puppiness scares me!"
Haha! I actually love the first photo! It's pretty indicative of your sheltie family, right? :)
And I agree with the others--you really got some great shots despite the original idea not working out!
NO question about it, your pups are the most photogenic ever.
We love where you take them for your walks and I personally give you a thumbs up for the high boots.
By the time we are through with our river trips, My Vickie is wet from her hips down. And since it is only 32 degrees outside, she is a shivering mass of bumblefootedness
I love the picture of Java looking through the weeks
LOVE the boots, and you know group shots are highly over rated, or at least that is what I tell myself, LOL. Java has the vulture look and the eyes of a BC for sure!
That photo of Java hiding in the green stuff is absolutely gorgeous!
Great photos!!! Love the candid captures :) Happy Holidays!!!!
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