Funny how things work out. I first was going to go to a trial in Savannah because my parents live there and a club was having a B-match on Friday. I figured I could work on Miley's table. But I decided not to do that. Then I was going to go the the park I always go to but my husband went running there and took the pass. So I thought I would go downtown to the park with the big man- made waterfall and take pictures. Then changed my mind again and went to the river front park. I should have done any of the other things but this last one. Shortly after getting to the park I hurt myself. I was walking down the asphalt path which has a 2 inch drop off the side. I rolled my ankle and fell like a sack of rocks to the ground. First I was embarrassed for falling in front of a bunch of people and then my ankle hurt so bad it took everything I had to not cry. A very nice man came over and offered to help me up. I told him I needed a minute to get myself together because it was hurting so bad. He was nice and waited. After the pain let up he helped me to a bench. Guiness wasnt happy about this. I was worried he would go after the guy . Guiness is very unstrusting of me. But he did ok. I figured I would just rest on the bench for a while and see if things got better. I could feel it swelling while I rested. I really wanted to try to make it back to my car without looking like I needed assistance. I did manage to make it the 1/2 mile back to my car with really not much discomfort at all. Then I got to the car and took my shoe and sock off.
Oh boy that didnt look good. ( this picture was when I got home but it looked the same) I called my husband from the car and he said he would help me bring the dogs in when I got home. I laughed and told him I didnt need help. If I could walk 1/2 a mile to the car why would I need help bringing the dogs in. ( Do you see a pattern here with me not needing anyones help. LOL) Well... by the time I got home I couldnt put any weight on my foot. My husband had to help me into the house and then go get the dogs. LOL About an hour later I told him we probably should go to urgent care and get it looked at. I didnt think it was broken but I would probably need some pain medication. A friend of mine gave me some crutches so I could walk. It took forever at the urgent care. I got a shot of Toradol in the butt. I told my husband if I knew it was given in the butt I wouldnt have agreed to it. Man did that shot burn. Made me forget about my ankle for a while. Then they x-rayed it and said it wasnt broken. Gave me a brace and pain medication. So Im home again doing the rest , elevation and ice thing. She said in a couple of days I should be able to put weight on it again. I hope so. I have a Mary Ellen Barry seminar on next Monday and then 3 days later I have an agility camp in Florida to go to. Ive been looking forward to that for months!! Im going even if I cant run.
Here are some pictures from this morning.
I have more pictures but none of my pictures turned out to well. I post more maybe tomorrow. And the reason there are always more of miley is she can be trusted off leash more than Guiness
Extended holiday spirit
2 days ago
Your pup pictures are gorgeous, but can't say the same for your ankle! I'm so with you on not wanting help, especially if I feel like I might burst into tears. I'm glad to hear the man stuck around though. It's good to know there are people willing to help!
I know it wasn't funny for you, but your line about the butt shot taking your mind off your ankle made me laugh =) Rest up!! Sprains can take so long to heal. Hope your pain subsides soon though!
Oh no! Sorry about your ankle. Hoping it is all back to normal by the time you have your seminars.
Who's teaching at the camp in Florida?
Morganne, the Florida camp is being taught by Jen Pinder, Jennifer Crank and Anne Braue. I really cant miss that even if I have to duct tape my ankle up. LOL
A shot? Boy you're brave, I would have taken the pain!
I hope it heals fast. Let your husband do everything! Even if he does it wrong.
So sorry about your ankle! My husband sprained his a couple summers ago and after lying on the couch for a month went to the doctor and got x-rays. LOL! So you're already ahead of the game - LOL! Seriously then he ended up wearing an ASO brace ( so he could go camping and kayaking in the UP of Michigan (although he couldn't mow the lawn for two months!). He would highly recommend that brace to you (rather than duct tape) so you can go to the seminar in FL because, yes, there is no way you can miss it!!
For now, the ice etc. is the best thing you can do! Hang in there!
Ouch! So sorry to hear about your ankle. The pics of the dogs are great. I just love how they pose so nicely together. Wishing you a speedy recovery!!
I'm so sorry about your ankle! My ankles do that from time to time. It's so frustrating. My orthopedist says that all of my joints are just exceptionally loose, which isn't necessarily a good thing. I used to ice skate and run track, but had to stop because of my ankles. I know exactly what you're going through, because I've been there many times before. I luckily haven't had the Toradol injection though.
Thank you very, very much for your reply to my post. I feel soooo much better knowing that the weave pole issues happen to a lot of green dogs. I really was freaking out about it.
I hope that your ankle heals quickly and you're able to participate in all your upcoming events! The seminar sounds awesome.
Oh no, ankle sprains are no fun. Did they give you an Air Cast? I had one for a badly sprained ankle and it helped a lot with the swelling.
Ouch! I hope your ankle heals fast! :)
Beautiful pictures of Miley and Guiness. Miley is so photogenic as if she was born for the camera.
I'm so sorry about your ankle. Hope it heals soon!!!
Rosie had her ankle sprained three weeks ago, her matron gave us an ice-wrapped, then she put on her ankle bandage too, it took her about two weeks to recover.
That does look painful - Rest rest and more rest is the best thing.
Ouch!!! That looks like it HURT (and probably still hurts!!) I know what you mean about not wanting anyone to help..or know you're hurt. Why are we like that??
I think Ricky's mom idea of the brace thing her husband used is a good idea. And you should call in sick to school tomorrow too!
So sorry about the ankle, just funny how something like that happens in the space of a second....glad it is not broke though, but geeze...
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