My ankle is getting better. I can now touch my foot on the floor without pain. Well that could be because of the pain medication but I dont think so. I think it looks better too. I can wiggle my toes without difficulty now too.
That big lump is now gone so wearing the air cast/splint thing no longer hurts. Im not sure why they call it an air cast because I doesnt have any air in it. Maybe is had to do with the company that makes it.
Extended holiday spirit
2 days ago
So glad you're on the mend.
Yep, very glad to hear your ankle is getting better! Take your time though so you don't re-injure it!
I'm glad too, that you're feeling better, but I'd still call in! LOL
Hmmm, the air cast I had when I sprained my ankle was stiff plastic with an air bladder on the inside that went next to your leg/ankle. You could control the amount of air and it contoured around your calf/ankle. More air meant more compression on the ankle and less swelling.
Your ankle looks a lot better though, hopefully it's not a horribly serious sprain.
I'm glad that your ankle is getting better and your dogs are beautiful!
I have a great blog I'd love for you to check out, It's a wonderful place for pet bloggers to find each other.
Nubbin wiggles,
I'm relieved to see that huge lump disappearing. I hope you're in good shape for lots of running in time for the agility camp, it sounds awesome!
I'm so glad that your ankle is getting better, with a little bit more patience, the lump will sure disappear soon.
Beautiful pictures too!
Hi Diana, just catch up with your blog again. Sorry to hear about your ankle and glad it is looking good now. Goodness me, it was scary to see how swollen it was. Hope you are ok now
OOOOH glad it is feeling better but it sure still looks painful!!!
Glad to hear you are getting better. Beautiful pics of the dogs!
Oh, ouch, ouch, ouch! Get better fast so you can enjoy the seminar/camp.
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