Guess what. I really think the ground hog was right. I went to the park today and listen to this.
Then look at this.
Hows that for spring is coming!!
Spring is coming? whoohoo!!!!
Ive been a bad park goer. Ive been letting Miley off leash. The park has been really deserted this winter so I thought she would get more exercise off leash. She can go chase squirrels which requires her to jump over logs and run. Anyway, I usually look down the paths alot to make sure no one is coming. But today I was messing with the camera and all of a sudden a guy on a bike is right behind me. I didnt hear him and he didnt say anything. Guiness starts going berserk . I'm holding two leashes and all of a sudden realize I dont have Miley on leash. Oh crap. She runs up to the bicycle. The guy looked worried and I told him that she wouldnt do anything to him, so he kept on riding. I called Miley and she turned around and came to me. How great is that. I was shocked. To call her off a moving bicycle made my day. I know it doesnt seem like much but it seem huge to me. Yea Miley!
I dont know if more tress and bushes are dying or if the park cleared some more areas. This area I havent been able to go thru before. I saw it the other day and noticed the colors in the rocks. I hope you can see it. I guess the water level must be down.
In the same spot there was a tree over hung the water.
I thought it would be cool to get Miley's picture on it with those rocks in the back ground. Well that was a lot harder that it looks.
I had to put treats on the tree and get her to go out on it. Then try to make her stay as I ran back to get the shot. LOL it took many takes.
But by the time I would get her to go out on the tree and then get back to take the shot, she would turn around to get off.
I finally, after many tries, I got one shot. Not the greatest but I was almost out of treats.
Extended holiday spirit
2 days ago
Spring peepers!! Neat - I think you're right that it is almost Spring where you live! Definitely NOT here! LOL!
I love those photos of Miley!
Congratulations on calling her off a bike! I totally know how huge that is!!!!!
Spring is around the corner! It's so lovely to see the young shoots and little green leaves there.
What a good girl Miley was and what an awesome recall! She deserves loads of yummy yummy treats!
good job Miley, coming off that bike, a testiment to good training and a fantastic girl. Love seeing he sights and sounds of spring are on the way ;-).
WHat an awesome recall!
If you're seeing signs of spring, surely it will make its way north....fingers crossed.
Miley is beautiful. She has a lot more coat than Soleil.
Oh, that little sprout of green is so encouraging. I wish we were seeing that here, but maybe soon...
This gives me hope. But it still seems a long way off...spring. Great photos! And a recall away from a BIKE? That is MAJOR!! And now way would Katie walk out on a tree...even for treats! Miley is such a good girl!!
I forgot to comment that I really like the colored rocks on the beach near the river. Beautiful!
Yay for spring! I want to see leaves sprouting around here too!
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