So Ive been frustrated at trying to run my dogs in agility. I always make mistakes. I dont see things when walking the course that I should. I can only seem to see maybe one or two ways to walk the course. Im trying to work on that.
This week I bought Kathy Keats "The Art of Reading Agility Courses". It was really helpful to me. Probably most of you know all the stuff in there but not me. In the ebook there are links to youtube and its a video of her showing you on paper how and where your dog is going. So its like you are in class and leaning with the teacher at the board. I really wish she had more sequences in the book that she goes through. I think it did help me but I have a long way to go.
Then I also signed up for Daisy Peels Blind Cross Skills and Drills. It was a class but she isnt teaching the class again. But what she did, if you signed up, you get access to all the vidoes and class work, to work through on your own. You can summit video for a small fee for her to review if you want. I watch the first video and practice more foundation work than what was on the video, "Look Back".
Extended holiday spirit
2 days ago
We all make mistakes, it takes the bigger person to actually try and learn why we made them and how to do better next time. That's what you do EVERY time. I admire you for that.
I have the same problem, I can't see all the options the you could use on a course. Tried some European moves in our practice last night, but to have the confidence to use them in a trial is another thing. But all we can do is to keep learning and trying.
I always walk the course a couple times, then stand back & watch other people walk. Occasionally you'll see someone do something vastly different, but generally everyone does it the same way... But that at least lets me see if someone is doing something that just may work better - and I still have a chance to go walk it like they just did to see how it feels!
As I learn about dog training/agility, it seems the more I know, the less I know. Enjoy your dogs. Laugh at your mistakes. Do what you do to educate yourself. Brilliance will come.
It is amazing that there are so many resources out there to turn to. I like and agree with what Vici said though. :)
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