I was planning on going to a UKI trial today. They had day of show entries and they allow training in the ring. But Ive been sick since Wednesday. Sore throat and achy. I felt so bad Wednesday, I just had to leave work with no real notice. I went to a co-worker and just said, with tears in my eyes,"I have to go home, Im feeling really bad". I went home and laid on the couch the entire day and didnt move. Ugh. I felt a little better on Thursday but not much. Friday I did make it to work and stopped at the doctor on the way home. I woke up at 4am this morning because I felt so bad, my body hurting to much to keep laying in the bed. Ugh. So I didnt go to the UKI trial. bummer. I started antibiotics this morning. Will see if that helps. So at 7:30 I dragged myself to the park. My poor dogs havent done anything in 3 days.
When I got to the next section of the path this is what I saw.
The sign just says caution and the gate is moved open. A little sign on the fence says the park trail is closed May 29-31st. Well, today is June 1st , so I figured it was open, except to bikes maybe. Here is what you first see when you start the path.
But the rest of the path was complete. This must have been the last section they were working on. I walked the dogs all the way down, tried to go out to the field. But there was some guy on a bike , with his dog off leash. So we turn and walked back down the path. I decided to stop at the river because the dogs seemed hot.
This picture looks awesome on my computer but looses something when I load it to FB or the blog.
Guiness is so happy here( here as in this area of the park). I think because its the only time I let him off leash.
"Are you guys coming? Whats taking you so long?"
Shallow here but deep in the middle.
"What, I see something. Really, its over there."
I missed so many good shots because my lens isnt fast enough in shade. This was the best out of the series and its blurry. Ugh. Some day, Some day.
This probably doesnt look like much. But to get this shot, I have to send my dogs around the waters edge and up onto the rocks away from me. (Im standing in the water) And get all three of them to go do it at the same time, and then stay there. LOL. No small challenge.
Here is another one. Because I release them, give them treats and then send them again.
Then I see this.
I thought is was a snake curled up in a hole right on the waters edge. I was freaked out. I threw treats to get the dogs away from where I was and then we high tailed it out of there.
When I got home and blew up the picture, I think its a golf ball. LOL Those little bumps looked like scales to me at the time.
Man that water is so cold, my ankles and feet hurt walking down the path until they warmed up.
In agility news..... Next weekend is USDAA regionals. I decided to go because Miley has a bye in Grand Prix. No real expectations. I was hoping to practice blind crosses today that the UKI trial but cant do that since I didnt go. I really want to start doing some blind crosses so I stop turning in the wrong spot and getting my feet caught under me. I ordered Daisy's Peels blind cross video, I think its called "looking back". I never knew there were several different types of blind crosses. Then Ive been working on the foundation work for doing blind crosses and both my dogs nail that stuff. So will see if I do any blind crosses next weekend.
Extended holiday spirit
2 days ago
I can't believe your furbabies love the water so much - my two won't even step in a puddle!!! Great shots as usual.
Beautiful pictures!
And I have had that happen too. I will have a really gorgeous picture on my computer, but when I upload to Blogger or FB, it just isn't as clear and crisp. (for lack of a better description)
Nice shots!! Love the mist over the water.
I'd like to do more blind crosses too. I know how but I don't know yet when the best time to use them.
Nice pic I also want that my dog obey me like this that is why I am searching a good and expert dog trainer in my locality
Looks like a great misty morning in the park. Hope you're feeling better in the morning.
I'm a frequent blind crosser, but I didn't know there was any real strategy to it. I just use them when it feels right, or in desperation. They are great for Chewy because I plan front crosses when I walk the course, but then when I'm running him, he's faster that I thought, so I have to blind cross. Of course, I run pretty nilly, willy :)
What a great day at the park. Hope it made you feel better. The three dogs on the rocks is amazing! I have a sore throat and achy head and shoulders and feet too, started last night. Sigh.
I love that park so much - you always get great photos there!
What a beautiful misty morning!
I always love to see how the three dogs enjoying the water and having fun in the water. I just hope Eva could love the water a bit more; she even tries to avoid walking on the wet grass.
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