I took this picture this morning. It was pretty cold out, I think 47 degrees. I know you are probably laughing but that's cold to me. I had to walk back to my car and put some more clothes on. On the picture above , to bad that electril box is on the middle of the bridge. They should have put it on the other side.
This picture was taken looking straight down into the water. So its a complete reflection, thats why it isnt as clear of a picture.
Meagan came down and taught lessons here this week. It was great. I didnt have to drive that far and I didnt have to put out any equipment or put any equipment away. LOL You know what the biggest thing I learned with my lesson? Java isnt Miley so dont try to run her that way. LOL I know you are probably thinking, didnt you know that. Yea I did but I wasnt running her that way. When you run Miley, she needs lots of turning cues and dont give to much forward motion or she goes off course. With Java, I can run to the jump without sending her three jumps down the line. When I turn just a little, she turns. I decelerate just a little and Java turns. Meagan said to think if it like this. Runny Miley is like running a mack truck, but Java is like a sports car. LOL
Im still working on Java's weaves. Hopefully that will come together. I started on Java's turns off the dogwalk. She is doing well. As long as I can send to a tunnel, I can beat her down the dogwalk and cue the turn. Things dont go so well sending to a jump, so I need to work on that. The video is all sends to a tunnel so thats why Im so far ahead. Java was running fast even thought it doesnt look it in the video.
Next weekend I go to an AKC trial. There are only 28 people in excellent standard. That is total, not just my jump height. I guess it will be a fast trial. Thats always nice. Its only one ring so, it wont be that fast. They are having a b-match at the end of the trial Saturday. So Im going to put Java in that. I wont do any weaves, I just want to get her ring experience and she how she does. The weekend after that the Loretta Mueller seminar. Im so excited!!!
Extended holiday spirit
2 days ago
How exciting to run Java for the first time in a B-Match! I always enjoy small trials the most.
I love the bridge photo. The colors are amazing.
Your photos are beautiful! The bridge reflection is very cool. I am jealous that Loretta is coming there again so soon! Lucky!
Wow, it looks like you guys have been busy! Good luck with Java!!
LOVING the new header photo, by the way. It cracked me up when I saw it.
Yay! You and Java will have so much fun.
It seems you are having some agility fun with Java soon.
The pictures are superb and I like the bridge one the most. It looks so poetic.
Love that bridge photo...and you're having so much fun with Java...and she with you! Nice!
Isn't it so,etching running more then one dog and keeping it straight? Wow, Java looks so good, how cool and that dog walk has to be so much fun, you guys ROCK!
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