Yep, thats how I felt several times yesterday. It started out at the park. I usually go early but I was hoping to change my husband's mind about going on the boat. But he didnt have time. So then I went to the park. We get on the trail and first thing coming around the corner , a bicycle and big dog. Guiness went crazy, so then did the other dogs. I just didnt have time to get control, so then everything was out of control. That set the tone for the rest of the walk. Then right after that bike another bike. OMG. Why didnt I go earlier????? I finally turn around and get off the path and walk through the woods. Now things are calm. We get to the water, I check to make sure no one is out on the rocks. No one is. So we go out there. We have a great time. It warm and sunny. Just beautiful.
Guiness was barking at all the rushing water so Java thought she should bark too.
I took at least 10 of these shots. Most of them Miley has her eyes closed. Miley is a little over exposed but I think this was the best one.
Then we see this....
Its big too!! OMG, I hate snakes. Ive been watching for them because its been so warm out. I decide its time to go home. We are walking the outside of the island and will cut through this shallow area to go back into the park. There is a guy standing in ankle deep water fishing. I dont know where he came from. I should have put Guiness on leash but I really didnt think it would be a problem. Ugh, Guiness went crazy. Barking, going right up to the guy. I could tell the guy was scared. Then I get Guiness and Java decided to bark at the guy too. Great. The poor guy being scared senless by this crazy ladys dogs. I felt terrible about this. I get across the river and decided to walk the field back so we dont run into any bikes. Here come this older man and again Guiness and then Java go crazy. WTH??? I just want to get to my car without any more problems. I feel like Im wrecking other peoples time at the park. No one wants to go to the park and have their nice quiet walk interrupted by maniac dogs.
I finally get to the car. There is a lady and her kids with their dog. Their dog starts barking and acting crazy. My dogs--- nothing. They didnt react at all. I dont understand dogs at all. I decide that next time Guiness will stay home unless my husband is with me. I think Java is reacting to Guiness and I dont want her thinking this is correct behavior.
I get home and there is a kid riding a bike in the cul-de -sac. I take Java out and she had no problems with the kid on the bike. I click and treat as she looks at the bike. I have the kid ride circles around us. Still she is calm. So she must be reacting to Guiness.
Then its time to go teach the co-op agility class for the club. I usually let Miley and Java run around a bit. Not a long time but a few minutes. I want Java to think agility is fun and fast. You probably wont agree with me letting my dogs do this....
I work Java on a few things. Then its time to set up for class. The class starts. Im not controlling Miley circling at all. I want it to be her choice that she stops this. Oh, I forgot to tell you this. Yesterday I took a lesson from Meagan. It was at someone's house and only a couple of dogs. Miley only circled one time. WhooHoo , I was so excited. Now back to class. It was our turn to run. There was a dogwalk, tunnel discrimination and Miley took the wrong one. So I brought her back to try again and circling started. It lasted at least 3 minutes. I just stood there waiting her out( feeling bad about wasting every ones time). She just kept circling with no change is speed. It felt like forever. She has never lasted this long without stopping. She finally stops. Im not sure how to reward. Give her treats or start running agility again. I chose to run. Then she jumps the DW contact. I stop. She circles. But this time it lasted about 1/2 the time then the first circling event. I did reward with food this time. People commented that they have never seen her do this. They probably just hadnt seen it to this extent. I normally would have called her to my side to break the circling so thats why they didnt realize how big a problem this is for me. But she needs to chose not to do this without me calling her.
Driving home Im thinking I shouldnt run her in standard this weekend. She is jumping her contacts and then there is the circling.
See bad trainer day.
Extended holiday spirit
2 days ago
Love the video of Miley & Java playing! Adorable. They are both so quick.
Wouldn't it be nice if we could simply take our dogs for a walk and not have to think about "training"?
It all sounds really stressful...and not the way you hoped spring break would be. I hope today is better!
Well it seems like a crazy day but I don't think that equals bad trainer! I loved seeing Java and Miley running around on the agility field! They were having a blast!
Sorry that you had a rough day! I don't like snakes either and Rosie would have screamed her head off if she sees any snakes.
Hope you're feeling better now!
Snakes, you would have had to carry Mom home. Sorry it was such a tough outing.
Sorry your trip to the park wasn't the relaxing, fun event you hoped it would be.
I can relate. Bentley goes crazy if he sees another dog or bike, so I don't take him if it's just me. Still, I feel bad because he ends up leashed while Lexi runs around and has fun. I think you're right--the trick is to go early before anyone else is up!
I let my two run around on the agility field for a bit. As long as they come when called, I let them have fun out there.
Hey, we let our dogs have some play time either before or after a practice. You know what they say about all work...
You guys have a great field. Our club has a nice field but it rented and the place we rent from is a bit anal and they keep wanting to raise the rent.
I don't think it's wrong to let them play with each other. I don't think they will form bad habits on the contacts like that. If it was a young dog that didn't know how to perform the obstacle safely, then maybe I wouldn't let them play on the equipment, but as long as they aren't going to hurt themselves, I don't see any harm. In fact, jumping off it in play shows they are confident enough on it to make their own choices and will only help them cope with slips and falls. Shouldn't have anything to do with their performance on it when cued.
Sorry you had a rough day. Shake it off. One day of a set back with Miley's circling and contacts isn't the end of the world. As you said, she had been making progress and I'm sure she will catch back up to where she was in no time.
I think it's great you let the dogs run and play. Who cares if they take an occasional tunnel ;-)
Love the photos!
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