So Ive been wanting to replace the carpet in my RV. Its old and looks it. Plus I wanted to put some sound proofing under the captain chairs in the front. Ive already put it under the doghouse. (that is the hump that is between the two captain chairs. It covers the engine). So, class "A" RV's, gas ones, are known for being noisy. Because the engine sit right next to you. I think that they have gotten a lot better but my RV is a 2000 , so it was before they started all the insulation stuff. Anyway, its really hard to hear anything when you drive on the highway. You have to turn up the radio so loud, to hear it, that its just annoying. Plus I think it makes driving stressful.
Here Ive taken out the driver and passenger seats. The carpet doesnt look bad in the picture but trust me it is. Im going to have to figure out how to take more of the seats out , to get the carpet in. I just want the round post in the floor, not that big square thing.
Here is the carpet I ordered. Its pretty close to the color I have. That way if I cant get some small piece out, it wont be that noticeable.
Here is my son helping me. The carpet in RV's is stapled down. So some places, I just wasnt strong enough to pull it out. Good think my son was still awake to help me. You can see the engine right there.
This is under the driver's area. I might not replace that carpet just to the right there. It goes under the TV and back a ways. I will replace the carpet on the doghouse. The doghouse is sitting to the right also , on top of the area I probably wont replace.
One thing I did fine was some water damage. Now it this left over for when the air conditioner leaked into the front passenger side? Im not sure. Or is the window leaking. So since I dont know, I will probably pull out the window this weekend and reset it. Ive read on line what to do and think Lou and I can get it done. I did pull out the window glazing bead, this afternoon. Its the rubber seal around the outside of the window. There are little drain holes in the metal casing of the window and in the rubber parts that the window slides in. They can get clogged and you cant see it unless you pull the rubber seal out. The side with the leak, looked ok. I also did the drivers side. There was so much junk in there, it couldnt drain at all. The outside holes were ok, but the inside ones, through the rubber sliding part, were clogged. So I cleaned all that out today. If those clog, the water can leak in between the walls. And you wont see it , until really bad thing happen to your RV.
Once I have all that done, I will put down the sound proofing matting , just in the front, and then put the carpet down. The next section, where the slide is, will not be sound proofed. I will be putting padding down there. Im really worried about the slide area. Keep your fingers crossed I get it right.
So here is the carpet after I pulled it all out. You should keep this piece to use as a template to cut your new carpet. So now you can see how bad the carpet looks. Yikes!! One thing I didnt find, yet, was tons of dirt.
Every thing I read, said you will find tons of dirt under the carpet , when you pull it up. But not so far. We'll see when I pull up the back part.
Extended holiday spirit
2 days ago
I'm sure its going to look great when its all done!
Wow, you are ambitious installing carpeting in an RV. I've put my search for an RV or trailer on hold for a bit as I realized I wouldn't get too much use out of it this summer.
Your RV is really going to be much more cozy with the new carpet.
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