So one last try to get enough points to get to go to AKC nationals. Ive never had a dog that could double Q before. So when Java started double Qing this fall, I looked up what I needed to get to nationals. I probably shouldnt have gone to UKI nationals if this was that important to me. I could have gone to a 4 day AKC trial and gotten the points I needed. But O' well. So this weekend was my last shot. I had all the Q's and Double Q's. I just needed 80 more points. I knew it was a long shot for me but I would try. When I got there I went through my points again and only 71. Ok.
The first day we Qed in standard and took 3rd place. Man there are a lot of really fast little border collies now in the 16 inch jump height. Ack!!
This course had some challenges. Coming off the running a-frame, making the turn and getting the tire , instead of the weave poles. Lots of dogs took the #6 jump and then went into the tunnel. I was really hoping we would get the correct end of tunnel after the dogwalk.
Well we Qed and got 28 points or 29, I cant remember. We took 3rd place behind 2 border collies.
Jumpers we were having a beautiful run and then she popped out of the weaves. Oh well.
Saturday, no Qs at all. Man we needed at least one Q , to take the pressure off.
Now its Sunday. Standard was first.
OMG, we were so close.
I was so worried about the opening line. I knew I wasnt going to get much of a lead out and how would I tell her where to go when she gets to #5 and makes the turn? (Miley had gone off course there).
The turn wasnt a problem at all. The teeter was. If she hadnt left early, I would have been in the correct position to cue the jumps. Ugh!!
I kept debating going home after this. It was Thanksgiving weekend and I hadnt spent much time with my family. Poor Miley, stressed in the standard ring. As soon as I took her outside she had really bad diarrhea. I had to take her to the RV and wash her up. I walked her a few more times before Jumpers. She stressed again in jumpers and I had to leave the ring. Again, I took her outside and she had bad diarrhea again and I had to go wash her again at the RV. Poor Miley. She continued with diarrhea until Monday after noon. She had a few more baths. She wasnt to happy about that. I sure hope it was her upset stomach that made her act so crazy in the ring and we arent back to all that stuff again.
Next up was Java. I stopped watching people run because it was making me nervous. We stepped to the line and Java was on fire.
I was falling so far behind I had to push in for the RC on the flat at #4, and basically use my arm to cue the turn. Then she was just flying and seemed to know where she was going that I put a front cross in after #11. (I hadnt planned on this. I was going to RC after #12.) But it worked beautiful!!. And we Qed. She ran 6.3 YPS which was only good enough for 4th place. A border collie ran this in 20 seconds. Holly crap that is fast!! Java was 24.06. So we missed nationals by like 23 points.
Oh well, at least we had a nice last run. The drive home was really nice. I was expecting bumper to bumper traffic, due to Thanksgiving weekend. But I didnt hit any traffic at all.
Ive Got to FIX THE TEETER!!!
Extended holiday spirit
2 days ago
That last run was amazing! I'm glad the trial ended on a good note. It always makes the ride home so much better. Sorry you didn't make nationals. I'm sure you'll get there next year!
Fun to watch you guys! I hope Miley feels better too. They are both great dogs.
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