Im so mad at myself. I took Miley out to the field last night to work. I had been there earlier in the day. But after killing all the ants, moving the a-frame, dogwalk and teeter, then setting up the course I wanted to run, I was to hot. So I went home and then drove back after 7pm, when the sun wasn't on the field. Anyway, our club has really old jumps at the field. I don't even know how old they are. Probably from when agility first started. Java had gotten hurt on one of these jumps in May. I thought maybe it was something I did, like a really late cue, and she got hurt. Which is what is still going on with her now. Hopefully we will get good news tomorrow on that. Anyway, last night I ran Miley and she got hurt. Her foot got stuck on the wingless jump stanchion feet. I saw it happen. My husband felt like it was her trying to avoid the dropped bar. (I had forgotten to reset the bar). Well, we were video taping and you can see her foot gets stuck. Ack!!
We stopped right then and there. I walked her around a little bit and no limping. I didn't let her do anything today. Hopefully she is ok. I went back out to the field to bring the wagon and the a-frame mover back to the field. (the tires were flat, so I took them home to fix it). I also took my 3 wingless jumps from home to the field. Im not using those stupid wooden jumps ever again. I took a picture of the bases of my wingless jump, and the clubs. I was shocked to see the difference in the size of the base feet. I knew the clubs feet were bigger, I just didn't realize how much bigger. No wonder my dogs are getting hurt. Im going to have to talk to the club about getting new jumps.
Extended holiday spirit
2 days ago
ughgghgh, I am dealing with jump issues because I have some "nice" metal jumps, with the bases across the bottom, and the damn metal cups, so I paid a lot for them, but shoot I know how unsafe they are. DANG IT! I also am dealing with an injury to Cricket and I know how devastating one injury can be and how much time it can eat up, not to mention the worry about your dog, the time, the pain, etc.... So yeah, your post is a good reminder I just need to bite the bullet and get rid of my jumps and make something better...sigh... So sorry hope she is ok....
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