I cant decided which picture for the blog header. Do you like the one I posted as the header or this one better. Will call this one "A" and the one on the blog header "B". Let me know what you think. ( make sure you click the pictures so blogger brings them up bigger and you can see them better)
Picture A
Picture B
Extended holiday spirit
2 days ago
I like "b".
I would say picture A because for one Miley isn't squinting. Another reason is that all three of them look nice and snuggly in picture A.
I like the one that you've already put as the header, Picture B. I like the way they look straight to your camera from an uppe angle.
Oh look at them! All posing for you, even little Miss J! I think I like the B just a tiny bit more as it's more interesting. But the light in A is very nice,and they're all lined up like you've been trying to get for forever! Both shots are excellent! You can't lose using either one of them.
what fab pictures, your little guys are so good at posing! i think i like A best cos its so cute them all bunched together xxx
I vote for the first one.
I think I like A better but I do like the composition of B a lot. One week use A and then the next week use B - because you don't have enough to do without remembering to rotate your blog header - LOL!
I like B too; just seems to have more a interesting perspective.
I like B....all the dogs have slightly different poses & expressions, showing up their individual personalities. both are great!
B for me :)
I like picture A better, but I think B makes a better blog header. It takes up more space and more eye-catching with the blog title.
I like picture A. It's easier to see their cute expressions!
I like B, it works with the tittle better
Dachshund Nola
I like B
Beautiful, beautiful puppers! I like B also. The colors are superb.
Seeing as I just found you, I'm goonna go read your blog now....
Lily Belle
They're both beautiful, but I like A best.
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