We havent done any running contacts in a week. I havent been feeling good since over a week ago. It started with a sore throat and feeling achy. Then a cough which freaked Miley out. Last weekend , she spent most of the time outside and didnt want to come back in. Then during the night she kept my husband up all night acting freaky and jumping all over him. I guess because I was coughing in my sleep. On Sunday and Monday I felt really bad. Monday I just couldnt go to work. I felt so bad. I went to the urgent care at 7am. Not strep. He said he thought it was just a virus. But I still feel bad. I feel so achy. I still have a little bit of a cough but nothing that seems like it would be a problem. I guess Ill go back to the doctor on Monday and see what the heck is wrong with me. The other problem is that my grandfather is really ill. My mom is having to do all the work to help him and is getting worn out. Hospice is coming into his home but they arent there all the time. I really want to go help her but I just dont think I can drive the 3 hours right now. Ugh, Im so over this.
Back to the running contact stuff. Not only have we not being doing it because Ive been sick but also because the top plank on one of the down ramps rotted out. This is the 3rd time Ive replaced the planks on the dogwalk. After the last time, I said I would never do this again. I was going to buy one. But I dont have any money. So Im fixing it yet again. I put the fixed ramp out today.
This one below is the old cross plank. Ive started on the new boards and will probably have the ready by tomorrow.
Ive been struggling with Java's running contacts still. One day she gets them all and then the next day, she has a ton of misses. So we've been at the same height for weeks now.
Like I said before her first run across the board is beautiful and then its down hill from there. Same thing happened today. Then when I read through someone elses problems on STsite, she suggested putting the carpet just in the contact zone. So thats what I did. Its looks like it helped.
I wish she ran the plank all the time, the way she runs the first time over. Im not sure if not getting rewarded a couple of times makes her slow down or what. While watching the video, toward the end, I wasnt sure if she was adjusting her stride to hit the contact zone or to get to the stationary target. So I went out again and ran her with the target twice the distance I had it earlier.
So we will see what happens tomorrow. I need two days in a row of hits.
Our trial is this coming up weekend. I did enter Miley because I had worker coupons. Im not expecting anything great. We really havent practiced much. Weve only been doing two days a week and this pass week, I tried to practice on Wednesday when I went to the field for my beginner class. I just didnt have it in me and was running her poorly so I quit. We did a little bit of weave pole practice to a target. I wanted to proof my movement to her popping out. We have work to do there but thats not surprising since we havent worked in 6 months. Im really taking it easy on her. I want her to be sound to go to L.Muller's seminar in a few weeks. O,yea I forgot to tell you we got in both days. Whoohoo!!
My beginner class is awesome. All the dogs are lots of fun. Some of them are a little crazy but I like crazy ones. Reminds me of Miley. LOL
Extended holiday spirit
2 days ago
So sorry to hear you are unwell. Hope you are feeling much better now.
Running contact needs a lot of patient and repetition, be persisting what you are doing, I am sure Java will turn out to be a good running dog!
Sorry to hear that you aren't feeling very well and hope all the aches and cough disappear in no time. It is tough to take care of the elderly especially if they are sick, hope your mom is okay too.
Good luck for the trial but in the mean time, please take care of yourself and be relaxed.
You poor thing. I hope you start feeling better soon. Sorry to hear about your grandfather.
Love that photo of Miley!
Forgot to tell you that the last toy in the last picture was given by Lian's friend, App's current owner; she made it.
So sorry that you still aren't feeling well. Hopefully the doctor tomorrow will figure out what's up. And very sorry to hear about your Grandfather..that's always so difficult, the end of life. But very glad to see Miley having fun again! Pretty girl.
Sorry to hear you still aren't feeling well. And sorry about your grandfather too.
Java will get it - don't worry. Miley is going to be so happy to be at a trial - it will be fun for her no matter what!
Love Miley's picture!
Sending good thoughts that you start to feel better--and to your mother and grandfather as well.
Java is going to do great. Your patience is going to pay off int he end.
I know Miley will have fun running with you regardless! :)
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