Since I havent posted much here, you dont know that Ive been struggling with Zoey;s training. When we go to agility trails or practice with groups, she wants to chase other dogs. She cant focus on me, just the dogs running. I dont know how I lost all control of my dog. Ive always let my dogs play chase with each other and its never been a problem but its a problem for Zoey. She cant figure out when its ok to play chase and when its time to work. And I guess I didnt realize it was a problem until it was way out of control.
Here she is at a B-match in August. You can see what a problem I have. So until I have this fixed, I cant trial her. I cant take a chance of her running after another a dog.
Ive been doing a lot of Susan Garrett's stuff, because she works on relationship building and getting the dog to focus on you. Ive finally found a solution to getting her not to bark and run the fence line , with the big dogs behind my house. All the garden fencing with stakes, that Ive put in, she just climbs. Even when I put in multiple layers of it. So I found this metal fencing that comes in sections. Slowly , Ive been putting it down the fence line, of where I join the neighbors yard. It keeps her about 5 feet off their fence. And it seems to be working. She also doesnt get to just be outside on her own much. That way she cant self-reward herself with bad behavior.
I working on getting a running A-frame with box method. Im ok with a 2o/2o but she is creeping so much on the a-frame, I decided to try this with her. I didnt have good success with it , with Miley. But we will see ...
We also finally have weave poles. I started to really work hard on them after we got back from my trip out West. She is finally getting them.
Her wanting to chase dogs is a HUGE problem and Im not sure I will be able to work through it or she will ever be able to trial. But we will see.
In other news, the girl I job shared with quit a week before we went back to work. So now Im working full time until the next person can start and its been rough. We must have a lot more kids this year with illness than last year, because Im drowning with paperwork. Ive work the last 2 weekends just trying to get caught up on paperwork. And Im still not there. I need a break.
Extended holiday spirit
2 days ago
1 comment:
I'm behind in all your news...Zoey is cute but I can see how frustrating it must be to have her out of control, but as you say, she's still young. And smart, I'd guess, she knows how to work things her way. I'm sorry about the girl at work quitting...that's adding a lot of stress to you. I hope they find someone soon!
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