I love that movie, "Ground Hog Day". That's how I feel right now. Same day over and over again. Ugh!!
Ive been thinking of backing off all the stuff I do with the club. I don't want to teach classes anymore. Most of our group, the co-op class, has fallen apart. 3 people have moved and there are really just two other people that come all the time. Others only come if its warm. Its a fun class. I set up a standard course and we all try to run it. Then we help each other on the places were things go wrong. Not sure why more people don't come. If we have time, we change the course and run it again. You can run more than one dog. Anyway, who knows why people don't come.
I was at the field for a class last Wednesday and no one showed up. Some of the people I knew they weren't coming. But the one lady, who always comes, didn't show up. Usually she text me and lets me know. It was ok, I ran my dogs and worked on areas that I needed to improve. I finished early and these people start showing up. So I told them that we usually have a class at the field on Wednesday but it just so happens , no one showed up. They were kind mean about the whole thing. Telling me that "so and so" at the club told them they could use the field. They are having a class. I tried to tell them that Ive had this class here for the past year, every Wednesday night. But they were just kinda rude about the whole thing. So I contacted everyone in the class and we decided not to have class again until January. So I sent the one girl a message that we canceled our class on Wednesdays , so they can have the field. She never answered me. Geeez! You're welcome!
Ive been thinking about dropping Miley down to 8 inches. Here is a video of her running 8 inches. I just don't want her to get hurt crashing bars at 12 inches. Do you think she looks better jumping 8 inches?
Here are some pictures I took last month. Im not sure if I posted them on Facebook or not.
Mickey has had a skin infection since the beginning of October. It has gotten better. He started with sores all over his body. I think I washed him every day in October with this special shampoo. And I think it went into November. Now its the middle of December, and it never completely went away, but now its getting worse again. The places that didn't heal, were under is arms, his abdomen and groin area. So I took him back to the vet. Back to washing him everyday. This time we are doing oral antibiotics. (Last time he got two shots , two weeks apart). Now his has to take 1 cc of antibiotic three times a day. ( for the next 6 weeks). They decided to check his thyroid since he cant get over this skin problem. His Thyroid level came back low. It was .5. They had to order his dose, I guess because he is so little. It suppose to come tomorrow. All I do is give medications. Here is the schedule.
5am: Mickey 1 cc of antibiotic
Miley eye drops
7am : Mickey 1/2 a cc of phenobarbital
Miley eye ointment
Miley 1/2 of tablet of Oxybutin
Guiness 1/2 tablet of synthroid
4pm: Mickey 1 cc of antibiotic
8pm : Mickey 1/2 cc of phenobarbital
Miley 1/2 tablet of oxybutin
Miley 1/2 tablet of Amitriptyline
Miley eye ointment
Guiness 1/2 tablet of synthroid.
10pm: Mickey 1 cc of antibiotic
Wow, its a lot. Plus give Mickey a bath. Ack!!
Extended holiday spirit
2 days ago
Miley looks great at 8 inches. I'm dropping Beckett to 10 inches in the New Year, he'll be six next year so just trying to avoid joint problems from jumping.
I left my club a few years ago and now just pay green fees or rent some time at otger facilities. So much less stress.
Miley looks great at 8 inches. I always jump my dogs at lower heights. I just think its a good idea.
I'm all about making life easier, so if not teaching class will make your life less stressful, go for it!
Gorgeous fall photos! Fall seems like such a distant memory for me with all this snow...but the calendar still says winter has yet to come...oh boy.
I hope you've had some time to relax when school is out and there's no classes on Wed night. That seems like a lot of meds for one little dog! I hope he's doing better too!
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