The park that I love going to, is going through some changes. They are adding a huge sports complex.
That whole section, passed the pond, will be new. Tennis and soccer and what ever. All I can see is big lights, loud speakers, people cheering all the time. Ugh.! So sad. I always considered it a nature park. I guess not anymore. Over 500,000 people visited the park last year. I guess that wasn't enough.
I saw him this morning. There hasn't been much wild life this week due to them cutting the wood under the power lines.
They are replacing the power poles, so all week its been very noisy. I know that this is necessary. But still sad. All the animals that lived there had to move. Well except this guy didn't think is was necessary to move out.
Don't you just love snakes! NOT!! (even though this is a good snake)
You can no longer walk to the end of the path. They have cut half of it off.
I think , pass here, is where they have started the construction on the new sports stuff. Although when I look at the map, it dosent look like it should be back here. Who knows. The only good thing is, it seems to have cut down on bikers. LOL, good for my dogs.
We had a good time at the river this morning. Guiness had a great time trying to get the ducks.
Lucky for the ducks, my dogs don't like to swim. They will run through the water as long as they don't have to swim.
Guiness goes quit crazy running around and barking at the poor ducks. They could just fly away.
Java is just coming to me , not chasing ducks like Guiness.
Im sure the ducks just loved Guiness. LOL
Java has been acting weird lately. Its started a few weeks ago. That Sunday at the trial. It started at home. She would stay in the bathroom and acted scared. There had been a thunder storm earlier. Then she acted weird at the trial. I thought she was hurt or feeling sick and that's why she was acting that way. Then she would seem better for a few days. Then it would start again when there was a thunder storm. She would go stay in the bathroom and not eat. She had never been scared of thunder before, why now? Then one time, she came in from outside when it was pouring down rain. If she was scared of thunder, why would she go outside when its pouring down rain? Then she acted scared when my husband was watching a movie on TV that had lots of bombing and shooting going on. Weird again. But then it happened when there was no rain, thunder or tv shows on that were noisy. Hmmm. Another thing I notice was she has been trying to eat a lot of grass at the park when we are on walks. Maybe her stomachs bothering her and it just happens to be happening at times with thunder and stuff. So Ive changed her to just rice and chicken. I started yesterday. So far , so good. So will see what happens.
Miley has been started on Amitriptyline, to help her with getting up at night to go to the bathroom. I guess they use it in women and cats with cystitis and it helps. So far we are seeing some promise. Tuesday she got up at 4am, Wednesday, 4:30, Thursday 5am. But then Friday she got up at 4:15. Saturday she got up at 5am. So Im keeping my fingers crossed. Her blood work this pass week was the same. Bun was 40. One month ago it was 37. The vet said really that is the same, that small of a difference. She did have less blood in her urine. The only sad part is , she seem like she is getting old to me. Last month she turned 7 yr. old. But sometimes, she just seems older. Although when running agility, she seems like her old self. She always is up for agility.
Extended holiday spirit
2 days ago
You mean you have parks that aren't dedicated to children's sports? Sorry we are just a little sports mad in this area. I find it a bit overwhelming that if we own land it must have a sports field of some kind on it to be considered "useful" to the community.
There was a near riot when they wanted to build a Senior Center and use some of the land put aside for future sports fields. God forbid the old should need some place to have some fun.
It is getting harder to have places people can just go and enjoy. Everything seems to have to have planned activities where you have to book the fields years in advance.
I've been on amitriptyline to prevent migraines, and it does make me sleepy. Hope it helps out Miley.
What a bummer about the park. Too bad they couldn't put the sports complex somewhere else, and leave nature alone.
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